Talk with Stranger's Blog

5 Best Tips To Meet New People & Make Friends Online

Meeting people online is fun

Meeting people online is fun

5 Best Tips to Meet New People and Make Friends Online

  1. Get out of your home & office

    You want to meet new people and make new friends ? Duh! Get out and talk to someone you don’t know! No it’s not available on the app store 😛

  2. Use Popular Dating or Chatting Apps

    For the romantically inclined,  is the best dating site I know of. The concept is quite simple… how about we get off our laptops, meet up in real life and do something fun! Make friends and meet new people all over the world! Its super awesome!

  3. Join Online People Communities and Meetups

  4. Many people answer the “how do I meet people” question by recommending And they are wise to do so. Meetup is a great way to connect with people who share your interests. I have used Meetup to go on hikes, attend writing workshops and enjoy comedy shows with new friends.It’s easy to meet new and interesting people by doing group activities (even if the activity isn’t on Meetup). Here some group activities to get you started:
    • sports leagues (soccer, flag football, basketball league, etc.)
    • hack-a-thons
    • volunteer at non-profits
    • enroll in yoga or dance classes
    • group learning (Skillshare anyone?)
    • night life events (e.g. NightLife at the Academy)
  1. Don’t be afraid to Talk To People and Strangers

    Of course, this is a classic way of meeting people. Still, it can work! Sign up for a dance class, join the local chess club, or maybe join a choir if you like singing. Or take a food course, in worst case your cooking skills improve. In best case you meet new friends.

  2. Share your interests and hobbies

    This is not real life, you might argue. Of course, you are right, but chatting with someone online could lead to a real life meeting. People visit chat forums and social media to socialize so chances are someone wants to make friends in real life also.

  3. Be Open and Ask Questions

    Say yes! I know, you are tired and want to go straight home from work. But if someone asks you to join them, just go with it and see where it leads.

  4. Say Hi to your neighbors and fellows.

    This is another way to show your chat partner you’re interested in who they are and what they’re doing. No need to be fancy. A simple “How’s your day going?” or “What are you up to?” will work just fine. Then, just see what happens from there.

  5. Find a Mutual Interest that suits you and your partner.

    We can’t stress how important it is to be playful on StrangerMeetup. It’s good to make people laugh, make them feel good and want to chat with you. You don’t have to be the life and soul of the party. But if life sucks, have a sense of humor about it.

That’s it for now! Go get some new friends. But also, take care of the friends you already got. Let us know if this was helpful!

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