When Can I eat chips after wisdom teeth removal?
When Can I eat chips after wisdom teeth removal?
Is this the question pinching in your mind right now? Because you just extracted your wisdom teeth, which is no doubt a very painful process or you are planning to remove your wisdom teeth. You are a lover of chips. When can I eat chips after wisdom teeth removal? Is the question which haunts you all the time, because you can’t pass even a single day without eating chips. You can also ask about this problem on talkwithstranger’s platform which is especially designed to answer different types of questions and have discussions on different topics.
When can I eat chips after wisdom teeth removal? Or what can I eat after wisdom teeth removal?
Wisdom teeth removal is a very critical process. After going through this process you have to be really careful about what you eat. In fact you are advised to consume liquid after removing your wisdom teeth for at least twenty four hours. Hard food can damage your gums or the food particles get stuck in the hole and most dangerously you can develop a dry socket which can be horribly painful. Want to know what dry socket is? We will discuss it later. For now the answer to the most frequently asked question: when can I eat chips after wisdom teeth removal? The answer to the question is that most dentists advise not to eat chips for at least two weeks after wisdom teeth removal. Because there’s a chance that chips can damage your gum tissues, also chips contain small particles which can get stuck into wounds and hurt badly.
Do you know what wisdom teeth are?
We are talking about when can i eat chips after wisdom teeth removal. And you that what happen if you eat chips after wisdom teeth removal. But we haven’t discussed what wisdom teeth are. Most of the people here must be familiar with this term and must know what wisdom teeth are.
But some may not know about them. So let’s know about what wisdom teeth are: Wisdom teeth is a tooth which erupts at the end of your mouth, Wisdom teeth is the last adult tooth to emerge, which normally emerges at the end next to your molar. Most of the people have four wisdom teeth, two at the top side and two at the bottom side.
When do wisdom teeth emerge?
Wisdom teeth normally emerge somewhere between seventeen to twenty five years of age. You can find answers to such questions on talkwithstranger, where you can discuss any condition you’re going through.
What are impacted wisdom teeth?
The wisdom teeth of some people emerge normally and take place with the third molar. But in many cases it can’t be able to find enough room to develop a new molar. So it will be formed atypically. Impacted wisdom teeth can cause pain and damage to other molars. In most cases impacted wisdom teeth get removed by the dentist to prevent pain and further damage to other teeth.Sometimes wisdom teeth may not cause any apparent problem, but they are hard to clean.so there is a possibility that they can cause cavities and other dental problems. Most of the people have different questions and precautions for the extraction of wisdom teeth. Most commonly asked question is when can I eat chips after wisdom teeth removal.
What are the symptoms of impacted wisdom teeth?
It’s not always that an impacted tooth shows any symptoms. But in case of any infection or damage to other teeth it can show symptoms there might be symptoms as under.
- When you find it hard to open your mouth
- When you have bloody or tendered gums
- When you feel jaw pain
- When you have swelling around you jaw area
- When you feel unpleasant taste
- When you have bad breath
- When your gums are swollen or red
What are the causes of impacted teeth?
Wisdom teeth, which is also called the third molar, emerges next to the second molar between the ages seventeen to twenty five. But sometimes the mouth crowded for the third molar to grow or emerge properly. In this case the third molar or wisdom teeth becomes impacted or trapped between other teeth. Which means less room for wisdom teeth to grow causes impacted wisdom teeth.
Although some people experience wisdom teeth which grow naturally and line up with other teeth automatically. But many people experience impacted teeth due to that their mouth is too crowded to provide space for molars to get trapped or impacted which causes a very painful experience and needs to be treated. Impacted tooth partially impacted or fully impacted. Partially impacted means that some part of the wisdom teeth, and fully impacted means it never breaks through the gums or jaw bone.
If the wisdom tooth is partially impacted or fully impacted it may be in some of the down mentioned positions.
- The wisdom teeth grow towards the second molar
- The wisdom teeth grow towards the back of the mouth
- Wisdom teeth can grow straight the same as the other teeth but get stuck in the jaw bone and don’t come out.
- “Lying down” , which means wisdom teeth emerge as if they are lying with the jaw bone.
More symptoms and causes can be found on talkwithstranger, a platform to discuss different things
What are some of the complications caused by impacted wisdom teeth?
Several problems can be caused by impacted wisdom teeth in the mouth.
Gum disease. Pericoronitis can be caused by the partially impacted teeth. It is hard to clean partially impacted teeth, which can cause inflammatory and painful conditions in the gumes.
Decay. Partially impacted wisdom teeth are at higher risks of tooth decay as compared to other teeth. The reason is that a partially erupted tooth is more likely that food particles can get stuck in it. It is also hard to clean a wisdom tooth properly. Food particles in the teeth can cause tooth decay easily.
Cysts. A sac is the place where wisdom teeth grow. If this sac gets filled with fluid it can form a cyst which can damage tissue or jaw bone. It is rare but a tumor can develop, if this condition occurs, the removal of tissues and bone is essentially required.
Damage to other teeth. The pressure caused by wisdom teeth to the second molar can cause infection or it can also damage the second molar. It also can be a cause for crowding other teeth.
What can prevent the impacted wisdom teeth?
There is no way to stop an impaction from occurring. But a fewa precautionary measures can be taken to treat the problem before it gets worse. A visit to the dentist every six months can help in tracking the development of the wisdom teeth. And regularly planned dental X-ray can detect impacted wisdom teeth before experiencing any symptoms.
Still thinking about when can I eat chips after wisdom teeth removal?
As we have discussed how critical the situation can get if you are not able to take care of your dental health and emergence of your wisdom teeth. And you know what happens if you eat chips after wisdom teeth removal and you also got the answer to the question when can I eat chips after wisdom teeth removal. You have to be very careful about the emergence of your wisdom teeth and if you get an impacted tooth and have to remove your wisdom teeth you have to be extra careful until your wound heals. Otherwise you may experience serious and painful consequences. After removal of wisdom teeth it is very important to be extra cautious about what you eat. Because the place from where you remove the wisdom teeth becomes very delicate and vulnerable. As we have discussed the different conditions associated with the wisdom teeth and how to care about it. Now I’ll tell you how long you should refrain from eating chips and other hard and crunchy food.
Crunchy and hard things should be forbidden for at least a couple of weeks after wisdom teeth removal.
to ensure safe healing of your wound and prevent any kind of infection.
There comes so many questions in your mind regarding what to eat and what not to eat after the removal of a wisdom teeth such as
- Can I eat chips after removing wisdom teeth? or
- Can I eat chips after three days of removal of my wisdom teeth?
- Can I drink water after wisdom teeth removal?
- Can I eat pizza one week after wisdom teeth removal?
- Can I take alcohol four days after wisdom teeth removal?
- Can I eat noodles after wisdom teeth removal?
- Can I eat popcorn after wisdom teeth extraction?
- Can I eat pasta after wisdom teeth removal?
- Can I eat chips after two weeks of wisdom teeth removal?
You can find similar or many different questions and their answers on talkwithstranger.
Now i’ll answer all of the above questions one by one:
- When Can I eat crunchy food after tooth extraction?
Are you fond of eating crunchy food? Unfortunately you’re having trouble with your wisdom teeth, and now the questions a boy your eating routine nothing you? Like when can I eat chips after wisdom teeth removal? Can I eat chips 3 weeks after wisdom teeth extraction? Or what happens if you eat chips after wisdom teeth removal? Or when can i eat crunchy food after tooth extraction? If all of these questions are bothering you right now then you’re lucky that you’re here and reading this article because you’ll get answers to all of your questions here. As you’re a lover of crunchy food you may not be happy to know that. You have to wait before eating crunchy food. Crunchy is not safe to eat after wisdom tooth extraction. It’s better to wait at least two weeks before eating crunchy food in order to settle your extracted tooth wound.
- Can I eat chips 3 weeks after wisdom teeth extraction ?
Do you want to know can I eat chips 3 weeks after wisdom teeth extraction? After removing wisdom teeth it is advisable to wait for a couple of weeks before eating any crunchy food or a food which has small particles. As these particles get stuck into the wound and it is very hard and painful to clean it. And yes you can eat chips 3 weeks after wisdom teeth extraction. So it is very important to not eat chips right after removing wisdom teeth.
- Can I eat chips after three days of removal of my wisdom teeth?
The answer to the above question is that dentists advise to wait at least two weeks before eating chips when you have just removed your wisdom teeth. It’s better to follow the instructions given by the dentists. In order to avoid any troubles caused by carelessness.
- Can I drink water after wisdom teeth removal?
Water is very i,portant for your body. Water helps to heal our body fastre. It’s the blessing of God which saves us from many diseases and also cures others. Water aids in the healing process after wisdom teeth removal. So the answer to the question is yes you should drink lots of water after removal of your wisdom teeth as it will help in the healing process. But never make a mistake of using straw to drink water as it can dislodge your blood clot, which can be very troublesome.
- Can I eat pizza one week after wisdom teeth removal?
Crunchy food is more likely to get into the extraction site and it can open wound or get stuck in the socket. Which can create further painful problems. You wait to eat pizza or other crunchy and hard food after at least fourteen days of your wisdom teeth removal.
- Can I take alcohol four days after wisdom teeth removal?
Alcohol can cause injuries so it is better to refrain from drinking alcohol after three to four days after wisdom teeth removal. It is better to take alcohol in moderation after three to four days as it can cause injuries. On the other hand if you are taking any medicine course related to infection or painkiller then you should not take alcohol until your medication finishes.
- Can I eat noodles after wisdom teeth removal?
Noodles, pasta, chips and other such foods are the weakness of today’s generation. Most people can’t stay without eating these foods for very long. It has become our habit to consume noodles, pasta, pizza, lasagna etc, on a daily basis. Here you get lucky because you’re allowed to eat noodles after the first day of your wisdom teeth removal… You can also add other soft foods such as mashed potato, pumpkins,and eggs into your diet. All the things which you eat after your wisdom teeth extraction should be soft.
- Can I eat popcorn after wisdom teeth extraction?
Popcorn is also a crunchy and hard food for the recently caused wound in your mouth. So eating popcorn soon after the removal of wisdom teeth can cause trouble by lodging into the surgical site which will slow down the healing process.
- Can I eat pasta after wisdom teeth removal?
Soft pasta can be taken the next day after your wisdom teeth removal. Cook pasta to that point where it becomes very soft and it’s good to eat, you can add other soft food from the next day of your wisdom teeth extraction, such as p mashed potatoes, soft eggs, etc.
- Can I eat chips after three weeks of wisdom teeth removal?
Yes, you can eat chips even after two weeks of wisdom teeth removal if you remove your upper teeth and if you remove your lower teeth then it’s better to wait for four to five weeks after wisdom teeth removal.
What can be possible reasons to extract wisdom teeth
No one wants unnecessary pain or undergo a difficult process without any need or reason. Same is the case with wisdom teeth removal, which is a very painful and challenging process. Anyone will be happy to keep healthy and well positioned wisdom teeth.
However there are some cases which force people to remove their wisdom teeth. Keeping weakly positioned or disturbing wisdom teeth enhances the future problem and keeping such wisdom teeth is of no use.
These are the some reasons which push a person to abandon their wisdom teeth and go through a painful experience during the wisdom teeth extraction process.process.
Sometimes the wisdom teeth start pushing other teeth because the mouth is already crowded. The area where wisdom teeth are supposed to grow is covered with other teeth or other teeth that are very near to wisdom teeth. so the wisdom teeth try to emerge and start pushing other teeth in the opposite direction to make room for itself to grow. In this case extraction of the wisdom teeth is a necessary step to be taken.
The wisdom teeth can be extracted due to inflammation and infection in the gums or teeth. This infection can be a result of the impacted teeth while wisdom teeth try to grow and can’t find enough room. It started pushing other teeth , which can cause pain and inflammation in the gums. His pain can lead to infection . so it’s better to remove such impacted teeth which are creating infection, before it starts spreading all over the mouth. In this case wisdom teeth extraction can’t be delayed.
Although it is a very rare phenomenon, impacted wisdom teeth can cause tumour in the jawbone. If it is kept untreated, this condition can be very painful.there can be gathered fluid in the sac which can develop a cyst around the wisdom teeth area. If the above casesexxist it is better to take an appointment from a specialist who will examine your tooth and then extract it after taking needed measures.
If your dental hygiene routine is poor, and you’re not keeping a proper dental hygiene routine. Which includes regular brushing, etc. to keep healthy hygiene of your mouth you must brush two times a day once in the morning and once before going to bed, and if you brush your teeth after every meal then it will be more good as it will keep your dental area healthy and clean.
Unable to keep proper hygiene routine gives an invitation to cavities, in case of cavities the options left only to fill or extract the tooth. The choice is yours.
What is the process followed to extract wisdom teeth?
Removal of wisdom teeth is not a minor process; it requires proper preparation and precautions. Which have to be followed before and after wisdom teeth removal. In order to avoid any painful situation.
Before extracting the wisdom teeth, the dentist finds it necessary to take an x-ray. This will help to judge the condition and position of the wisdom teeth. X Rays will help to measure the damage and threat which wisdom teeth possess to other teeth. Taking an x-ray will help the dentist decide whether removing the wisdom teeth is essential or not. It will also clear where the wisdom teeth are exactly located.
It’s better not to drink or eat twelve hours before the process of extracting your wisdom teeth. This will help your mouth to be prepared for the process.
A minor incision in the gum is necessary in order to expose the wisdom teeth. If the tooth is impacted then it might be covered by the bone. In this case the dentist has to drill through the bone to reach the tooth.
Before removing the teeth the dentists prefer to numb the gum. To numb the area around teeth they will give an injection of anaesthesia into the gums. This has to come out through the gum. After numbing the gums, the dentists will lose the tissue which is connecting teteh with the gums, with the help of special dental tools. Due to the anaesthesia the patients feel a lot of pressure but no pain.
If the wisdom tooth has not come out of the jaw bone then the patient has to undergo a surgery. Or if the tooth is broken and it can be removed without leaving any piece of the tooth in the gums, in this case surgical operation is needed.
There are special dental tools to remove the pieces of broken wisdom tooth if it gets broken during the process of extraction. And then the dentist checks if the tooth is not broken from tissues and removes it carefully. After removing the tooth, the dentist will place a gauze on the holes, so that a blood clot develops which will prevent bleeding and start the healing process.
How much time is required for recovering after wisdom tooth extraction?
Swelling and pain after wisdom teeth removal is quite normal. After the process is ended the patient is asked to follow a few precautionary measures such as, doing exercise to aid the healing process, by simply opening your mouth and closing. Iit is recommended to eat soft food at least for two weeks after wisdom teeth extraction. To reduce the swelling ice cubes can be used to reduce the swelling.it is advised to complete the medicine course prescribed by the doctor. In order to prevent any chances of infection.
After extracting your teeth these are some common guidelines you should follow;
- Don’t risk your healing process by eating hard and sticky food which can harm your wound, and slow down the healing process.
- Never use straw to drink water after removing wisdom teeth.
- Rinse your mouth with salty water every two hours after tooth extraction
- Don’t smoke or use alcohol after removing wisdom teeth.
Developing a dry socket.
Developing a dry socket is a most common complication after removing wisdom teeth. Which can cause you real trouble. Usually after removing wisdom teeth, at that place a clot dorm which covers the empty bone and Tissues, and helps in the healing process. An exposed underlying bone causes a very painful situation not only in the bone but around the face as well. This situation is caused if your socket get any particles of food, which get stuck Ed in there.
Want to know what a dry socket is?
Are you the one who just went through the painful procedure of removing wisdom teeth, or you have to go through in the future. Then you must want to know all about removing wisdom teeth, what to eat and what not to eat. How to prepare for the wisdom teeth removal process and complications involved.
Here we will discuss in detail what a dry socket is, how it develops and what are the ways to prevent it from developing.
There are different painful symptoms which will indicate that you’re having a dry socket. Let’s discuss them one by one.
- The main symptom of a dry socket is loss of the blood clot whether Complete or partially. Which will look like an empty looking dry socket.
- After a tooth extraction in case of dry socket you will have extreme pain.
- The bone becomes visible in the socket.
- If you have a dry socket you will feel a pain which travels from the sockets to your ear, eye, cheeks and neck of the side from where you removed wisdom teeth.
- Dry sockets cause an unpleasant taste in your mouth.
when is it necessary to see a dentist
A slight pain after the extraction of wisdom is normal and nothing to worry about. This pain should be relieved with the help of painkillers. But if your pain get worse and keeps increasing then you must consult a dentist.
What are the things which risk a dry socket
These are some of the things which cause dry sockets and increase the risk.
If you fail to maintain proper dental hygiene after wisdom teeth removal it can result in a dry socket. So try to keep your mouth clean and avoid such foods which can end up in your socket and cause trouble. Refrain from eating chips, cold beverages, alcohol, and other hard and crunchy foods to keep your healing process smooth.
It is more likely to experience a dry socket again if you have experienced it before.
A high amount of estrogen is present in the contraceptives. So if you take contraceptive pills you are at high risk to develop a dry socket. Because this estrogen can disrupt normal healing process, which will end up causing a dry socket.
Tobacco and smoking is not advisable to resume immediately after tooth extraction. Because the chemical present in the cigarettes can slow down the healing process or completely stop it. It can contaminate the wound site. When suck on the cigarettes, this process can dislodge the blood clot and end up causing a dry socket.
An infected area around the extracted teeth can cause a dry socket.
Complications caused by a dry socket
Having a dry socket is a very painful process. It can cause infection and other serious complications. It can result in a slow healing process, it can also cause infection. Moreover chronic bone infection can be caused.
Prevention- pre surgery precautions to prevent dry socket
If these steps are taken before surgery, it can help prevent dry socket development.
- Always go for an expert dentist who has good experience in tooth extraction. Never risk your dental health.
- Share everything with your dentist. If you’re taking any kind of multivitamins or any other medication then talk to your dentist and make sure that you have no such issue which will interrupt your healing process and prevent blood clothing.
- If you’re addicted to smoking then try to quit this habit before your teeth are extracted. Because chemicals which are present in tobacco can cause any kind of serious problem at any time.
Help done by the dentist
Your dentist is a person whom you trust and entrust with your dental health and condition. He will be the one who will treat you and give you advises and guide you about the precautions to be taken after the extraction of your wisdom teeth. So discuss everything that comes to your mind with your dentist before going through any treatment. Clear your mind from any doubts so you will be relaxed during the extraction process.
Dentists will guide you about extra care of your wound after the removal of your wisdom teeth. Any kind of question which comes into your mind you should ask from your dentist. To make sure that you don’t hurt your wound out of ignorance. Ask about what to eat and what not to eat, how to help the healing process. What are the things which can disturb the healing process etc.
The main focus will be given to your eating routine, as this is the thing which will directly affect you wound and healing process after wisdom teeth removal.
If you have a question like when I can eat chips after wisdom teeth removal. Or can I eat chips seven days after wisdom teeth removal. The answer to these questions is that you can start eating soft slightly warm food twenty four hours after your tooth extraction. But don’t go for crunchy and hard foods like chips, nuts, and other fried foods.
You should wait at least for one or two weeks before you can eat chips and fried foods after wisdom teeth removal.
Otherwise there is a chance you will dislodge your forming blood clot and end up developing a dry socket. Which will put you in a very painful situation.
Meta Description
Have good experience extracting your wisdom teeth and avoid any trouble and pain causing situation by taking precautionary measures. Along with others, be very careful with what you eat and drink. Avoid cold beverages, hard and crunchy food etc. wait for at least two weeks before you start eating chips and other fried and hard food.
Tooth extraction is a very sensitive process as it is associated with the most delicate body part which is your mouth so be very careful and cautious about this process. Follow pre surgery precautions with
“From the above discussion we came to know that wisdom tooth emergence is a very important phenomenon in a person’s life. If it comes out smoothly without any trouble that’s very good, be grateful that you’re saved from a really painful situation. But if you have some issues with your wisdom teeth emerging like you have an impacted wisdom tooth or it is not coming out on its own. Then you have to seek some medical help and be very careful with the process. In case of an impacted tooth you have to go through a medical procedure and in some cases a surgery to remove your trouble causing wisdom teeth. You have to be very careful pre and post surgery. After having surgery the main thing is to be careful with what you eat, as it will directly affect your recently caused wound. So avoid eating chips, popcorn and other crunchy foods for at least one to two weeks depending on your wound condition.