just read a forum about a kid who just says dadda! I can not wait to hear the first word from Ryders! I thought I was going to start this forum.
How old was your child when they said their first word?
just read a forum about a kid who just says dadda! I can not wait to hear the first word from Ryders! I thought I was going to start this forum.
How old was your child when they said their first word?
Claire said she spoke the first word after about 4 months and it was mum the next day she said nothing but since then she could only say when I was in bed, she was not, no need we do nothing here, but nothing nada etc … last week now she doesn’t say mum is nothing and nana (I don’t know how she learned ie because no her nana) at least that’s what she said and when
claires will be a big sister in October
Greetings For you and your child, I hope you have a beautiful day.Your baby will start to babble and make cooing sounds, such as “mama” or “cha-cha,” at six months old.The baby starts to blab more and use the terms dada-dadi more clearly at the age of nine months, but it still does not understand their precise meaning.Your baby will say words like “dog,” “happy,” and “banana” for the first time between the ages of 12 and 18 months. It all depends on what your baby has experienced frequently.
I sincerely hope that I was able to assist you.
Between 8 and 18 months most babies will start saying recognizable words. They usually start babbling sometime before this, I want to say around the time they are able to sit up on their own.
They can learn to use hand gestures to communicate earlier than words.
Try googling “infant milestones” or “infant milestones speech” for more accurate and detailed info.