Yakkie Chan
Find Funny Jokes, Dad Jokes, Corny Jokes And More On Chat Websites Like Talk With Stranger
Why read jokes on chat websites?
Are you bored of the same old jokes continually circulating on the internet? We are too. Some jokes deserve to be buried and replaced by a newer generation of actually hilarious jokes. This is why we’ve built Talk with Stranger so that people from around the world can come forward and share good jokes that not many have read before. This way, you get to share laughter that is genuine rather than forced. Wondering why chat websites are the best places to find adult jokes, cheesy jokes, funny dirty jokes and basically all types of jokes? Here is why:You can find unique jokes
Reading the same old jokes can get boring. But that doesn’t happen when you read jokes on a chat website. This is because different countries have different jokes and a joke popular in the East may be unheard of in the West. On chat sites, people have new jokes, which is why they are a great place to find good humor.
You can find different types of jokes
Another reason that explains why chat websites are a great place to search jokes on is that there you can find various types of jokes in one spot. For instance, if you are looking for specific joke categories such as blonde jokes, funny jokes, Chuck Norris jokes, etc. you can easily find them in one spot on a chat site. On the other hand, searching on Google means finding one good article on jokes among tons of awful, repetitive ones. That can be time-consuming and annoying.
You can share your joke of the day
We all have moments with siblings, friends, partners or just random people that can be very funny. So much so that these moments deserve to be narrated so that they live on. Sharing such good moments makes one feel good too. This can be done on a chat website. You can share your personal joke of the day on a chat site where you won’t be judged even if the joke is embarrassing.
You can even find and share dumb jokes
You know what we say - the best part about chat sites is zero judgment. Now if you have a cheap or silly joke in mind, it may not be cool to say it out loud in front of the people you know in person. However, on the internet, you can share it with or without revealing your identity in a group of strangers and no one will look at you as if you have mashed potatoes for a brain.
You can easily comment on jokes
Are you the sort of a funny person who has a lot more to add to an existing joke? While blogs on jokes may require you to sign in to your Google account to leave a comment which may or may not be received well, the process is a lot better and easier on a chat site. You can share your thoughts on a joke shared in a chat room conveniently and even express your opinions using GIFs and emojis.
Why should you read funny jokes on the internet?
Different people have different ways of spending their free time. Some prefer to listen to music when they are at leisure. Other dedicate their free time to loved ones. However, a lot of people out there, have no idea what to do with the leisure time on their hands. Since an empty mind is a devil’s workshop in which stress is created for one’s own self or for others, its best to spend one’s time alone reading stuff on the internet. Not feeling particularly productive and just want to read random things rather than informative topics? Join a chat site and read and share funny jokes. This way, you’ll not only spend your time in a nice way but will also be feeding your health. What, you didn’t know? Laughter is great for your health according to Mayo Clinic. Cracking jokes and sharing giggles relieves you of not only stress but also of pain. Some research also suggests that laughing happily can boost your immunity and decrease your blood pressure levels. Joining a chat room to find and share jokes is also a great idea as sharing hilarious jokes can help you make more friends online and these friends can be of help in many ways. It’s no secret that funny people are more attractive because they appear friendlier and in the online world, your personality is what truly matters particularly when your face’s image is not on display.Why should you share jokes?
The world is a big, bad, dark place as it is. Jokes are a great way to create and share joy. They don’t only boost your mood, but they also make the people around you feel better. You see, your lousy mood may influence others and make them feel bad as well. Telling corny jokes or cheesy jokes is sure to make several people feel better. One too many times in a day, we’re busy giving off negative vibes because of the stresses of our lives. What’s more, we also talk all too much about our tensions. To lighten up conversations, you can share jokes of all sorts with people. Jokes make communication better and easier. As someone who shares jokes, you come off as a charming and welcoming person. This doesn’t only win you more friends, but the quality also helps you score points with the ladies! Over and above that, jokes are also amazing to share because they can improve relationships. Had a fight with a dear friend? Erase the argument by cracking a good joke you know the opposite person is sure to enjoy. However, be sure that the timing is in your favor when you pop a joke. Joking at serious or extremely sad moments will only make you the fool of the party. Jokes and riddles are also a great defense against rude comments. By joking in response to someone’s pathetic behavior, you get to get on their nerves without having to stoop down to their level of pettiness. Like exercise is healthy for the body, laughter is healthy for the brain. In fact, full body laughter may also give your body a good workout. However, be sure to never share an amusing joke when someone is drinking water or eating. You don’t want the person to joke or spill the contents in his mouth on you!What types of jokes should you not share?
Like rotten vegetables, rotten humor is anything but enjoyable. In fact, it can actually destroy your image online and hurt other peoples’ sentiments as well. This is why it is best to avoid any jokes that can be offensive to anyone. Unless people are up for them, avoid black jokes, racist jokes, gay jokes, fat jokes, Asian jokes, and any other such offensive jokes. Anyone who finds such jokes offensive may take action against you. Above all, it is not a good idea to bully other people by making jokes about their identity. A joke which is created by disregarding an entire group’s feelings is best avoided.What sort of jokes can you find on our chat site?
In chat rooms, people talk about whatever they want to talk about. This means that in a chat room where people share jokes with one another, you can find various types of jokes. To give you an idea, here are some kinds of jokes you can find on the Talk with Stranger chat website:Jokes for kids
Not all jokes are appropriate for people of all ages. On our chat site, you can find jokes that are just for kids. While these jokes are sure to make adults laugh as well, they specifically target kids as the language used in them is simple and no inuendoes are used.
Adult Jokes
These jokes may use dirty terms or have hidden meanings. If you are the sort of person who frowns at dirty jokes then you better not read these jokes.
Cheesy Jokes
Are you a fan of cheesy, romantic jokes? You can find and share such jokes in our chat rooms. Cheesy jokes are meant only for making you giggle. However, you can use these on your girlfriend/boyfriend as well.
Chemistry Jokes
Are you the sort of person who is interested in science? For you, we have nerd jokes here as well. Apart from chemistry jokes, people may also share math jokes. In short, you’ll probably find jokes related to each and every subject on this forum.
Best knock knock Jokes
You must have heard jokes that start with ‘knock, knock! Who’s there?’ These jokes never fail to bring a smile on the reader’s face. On Talk with Stranger, you can find the best knock knock jokes as well as dirty knock knock jokes.
Little Johnny Jokes
Looking for corny jokes, gay jokes, Spanish jokes or little Johnny jokes? You can find all of these here. The best part about these jokes is that apart from giving you a good laugh, they can also be used to cheer someone up.
Mama Jokes
Don’t worry; mama jokes are not made against your mothers. They’re just for fun, and the ‘mama’ in them refers to a ‘hot girl’ in slang. The jokes are meant light-heartedly just for the sake of making people feel happy.
911 Jokes
The internet is filled with 911 jokes and memes. However, if you’re an avid social media user, you may have read all the currently popular ones already. On chat sites, you can find unique 911 jokes created by the users.
Best Dad Jokes
When we’re talking about the best dad jokes, we’re simply pointing at dads who are savagely funny at raising kids. We’re not seriously talking about the best dads so, no, nothing is boring about these best dad jokes.
Asian Jokes
Before you make a face know that our Asian jokes are about Asians; they don’t demean or insult Asians, they are about them. So, if you are an Asian or familiar with the Asian culture, such jokes might interest you.
Short Jokes
Long jokes can be tedious. Sometimes you don’t have the time or the patience to read really long jokes. At times like these, reading short jokes can prove to be fun without being boring or too slow for your taste.
What do you call jokes
On Talk with Stranger, you can also find unique and new what do you call jokes. These jokes are simple to understand but may confuse the listener who is not expecting a joke to be thrown his way.
To sum up, you can find different kinds of jokes on our chat site. You can learn these jokes from the internet and share them with your real-life friends as well. This way, you get to enjoy your free time and learn how to take a heavy conversation to a lighter note as well. After all, laughter is always worth the wrinkles.Want to read jokes and riddles and share some too Join TalkwithStranger and get started today!