Free Conference Call

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How to use voice calls on mobile?

To use random voice chat on mobile Google Chrome browsers or iPhone Safari (only), Please tell your mobile browser to "Request Desktop Site" by going in your browser settings menu. See below screenshots.

  1. If you are on iPhone safari, hold the refresh arrow icon for few seconds. It should be on top right of the address bar.
    • If you are on latest iOS 13 iPhone safari, tap on the "AA" icon on the top left of the search field. From there, tap "Request Desktop Website" on the pop-up menu.
  2. OR if you are on Android Chrome, tap the 3 dots on android top right side of search bar) as shown in screenshot below.
  3. And click "Request Desktop Site". Or if you don't understand Click for Android Guide or Click for iPhone Guide. If you are on latest iPhone iOS 13 safari, follow guide for iOS 13.

Android Chrome Picture E.g to Request Desktop Site

How to request desktop site on TWS
How to request desktop site on TWS

iPhone Safari Picture E.g to Request Desktop Site

Old iPhones (Hold the Refresh Icon)
How to request desktop site on TWS

New iPhones iOS 11+ (Tap Aa Icon)
How to request desktop site on TWS

Free conference call for friends:

The world is changing due to advancements in technology. The distances used to be covered in days and months is now covered in a matter of hours. Due to this, relocation to new and far-flung places are common. Even relocation to new countries is common these days. Friends settled in different cities, and countries need to get in touch with each other. So they can discuss their life experiences and daily routines.

International calls being very expensive will put an extra burden on the budgets. Talk with Stranger has provided you with an opportunity to connect with your friends easy and cheap.

What you do is set up a conference call and get connected to your friends instantly. Even if all of your friends who live far away due to various reasons; jobs or family. You can still seed quality time with them and celebrate your birthdays and anniversaries together through Talk with Stranger.

Free conference call for family:

As discussed earlier, the transformation of the world into a global village has decreased the distances. Though the time required to travel is concise, it is quite expensive. Therefore the I need to connect with my family. Talk with stranger with its conference calling feature can connect you with all the members of your family. So that even when you are far from home, you can celebrate events and attend family gatherings. Like you are there and that too free.

Many aged people in the family can’t travel due to several reasons. This can be a great way of joining in the fun and not having to go through a hectic routine. With talk with stranger, even those members of your family can be a part of the events. They will not feel left out due to their inability to travel.

Conference calling services for people with the same interests:

There are many people online in the modern-day and age, and many people want to find people matching their interests. People want to share and learn from the experiences of the other people that share the same interests. Like the people who like to travel, to try exotic cuisines.

Also, people who have the same sports interests, who like to read books and to cook.

Discussions regarding the same interests can go on very long if you are texting with other people. TwS has a discussion board to share all your experiences through life on topics of your own choice from sports talk to gamers place.

For the people who have difficulty expressing themselves through texting, this type of group chats are not suitable. Therefore, to participate fully and express yourself adequately. People with the same interests can join a conference call and discuss their hobbies and share experiences.

Conference calling for the people in the same professions

People worldwide want to know new things that can be incorporated into their professional life.

To make themselves indispensable for their respective companies. People at different parts in their professional lives and careers can help others who are new or at an entry-level. New people want to learn new things from the more experienced people so that they can perform their jobs effectively.

Therefore, through a conference call, people can share their experiences and expertise with others. To learn new things that can help make themselves better at work. Talking with strangers offers the people a chance to come together and help each other by using the conference call feature.

Discussion groups for people suffering from different addictions

There is a considerable number of people around us who suffer from various addictions like alcoholism and drugs. Many people suffer from post-traumatic stress from any trauma they have experienced in their lives. These people can play their roles as active members of society. But they just become an extra burden on their friends and family due to these personal issues.

These problems may resolve if they are adequately guided, or they have a safe space.

Where they can speak up about their problems with others suffering from the same issues. Talk with Stranger provides such a platform where people with such problems can come together.

And they talk about their issues with other people with the same issues through its conference calling features. The users stay anonymous to respect their privacy and are not left alone to face their problems.

Discussion groups for people suffering from stress:

Stress is a widespread issue in the current times among people. The causes of stress are work pressure, uncertainty regarding life, and personal or family problems. Numerous cases of suicides due to stress are reported. There are no visible signs for the people suffering from stress. Only the person suffering from it knows about it. If there were any signs, then others around them could help them. It can have severe consequences if not treated at the right time due to it being an invisible disease.

Likewise, any mental or psychological Stress-related illness is curable with proper guidance and a shallow dose of medication. But only if it is diagnosed early. Otherwise, it can have as severe consequences as suicide. Talk with stranger provides separate chat rooms for people suffering from stress where they can talk about their problems with professionals who are there to help them and even in groups in the form of conference call. Again, TWS guarantees complete anonymity to help safeguard your privacy so that no one can take advantage of your illness and harm any kind.